
Department of Labour and Employment J&K

India is a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic constituted for the welfare of its people and is also committed to making working class as bedrock for consolidating the Republic .

The Jammu and Kashmir as a constituent of Republic is committed to the welfare of the working class and to the empowerment of the Labourers to enable them to play their role in the institution building of the J&K UT.

It is with these ideals in view that the UT Jammu and Kashmir has adopted central legislations relating to the Labourers which take care of regulatory mechanisms for implementation of these laws and social security measures to improve socio-economic conditions of the working class. These welfare measures include Provident fund, Medical insurance , a package of Welfare schemes for building and construction workers, Rehabilitation of Child Labourers and Bonded labourers, conciliation between employees and employers in case of a dispute etc. The erstwhile J&K state had also enacted three state legislations dealing with the welfare of the working class in the state.

But After the re-organisation of the state into two UTs viz- UT of J&K and UT of Ladakh, J&K Employees Provident Fund Act has been repealed and consequently Central Provident Fund Organisation has no taken over the JK Provident Fund Organisation. However, the J&K Labour & Employment Department will continue the look after the issues of J&K Provident Fund Organisation during transition period of one year.

The J&K government has also placed a well knit institutional mechanism to implement these legislations through the Labour Department and Jammu and Kashmir Building and Other Construction Welfare Board.

Employment as a subject is included in the concurrent list of the Constitution of India. National Employment Service is a Joint concern of the Government of India and the J&K Government. Compulsory Notification of Vacancies Act 1959 was passed by the Parliament to make it compulsory for the establishments under Public and Private Sectors to notify vacancies to the nearest Employment Exchanges and also to render prescribed returns. This Act though extended to the J&K was applied by the state to the Private Sector only. The Employment Exchanges in J&K had been catering to the recruitment needs of various Central Government Departments and Organizations. But after the Supreme Court Judgment passed in the year 1996, the notifying departments were given the discretion to invite the applications at their own level in addition to the names being sponsored by the Employment Department in order to give a fair play and equal opportunity for applying against the said vacancies notified by a particular establishment / organization by making advertisements in the print/electronic media for wide circulation.

Sh.Surinder Kumar Choudhary
Hon'ble Deputy Chief Minister (Public Works (R&B), Industries & Commerce, Mining, Labour & Employment and Skill Development Departments) UT of J&K
Mr.Kumar Rajeev Ranjan,IAS
Secretary to Govt.,

Labour and Employment Department

Mr.Shahzad Alam,IAS
Director Employment,
Jammu & Kashmir
Mr.Ajaz Abdullah Saraf,JKAS
Chief Executive Officer/Secretary
Mr.Charandeep Singh,JKAS
Labour Commissioner,
Jammu & Kashmir