Registration under Shops and Establishment Act,1966.
Renewal under Shops and Establishment Act, 1966.
- Registration under Contract Labour Act, 1970.
- Form D under Shops Á Establishment Act.
Renewal under Contract Labour Act, 1970.
- Registration of Establishments Employing Contract Labour under Contract Labour Act.
- Registration under Interstate Migrant Workers Act, 1979.
- Renewal under Interstate Migrant Workers Act, 1979.
- Registration of Establishments Employing Migrant Worker under ISMW Act.
- Registration under Factories Act, 1948.
- Renewal under Factories Act, 1948.
- Approval of Plan under Factories Act.
- Registration under Boiler Act, 1923.
- Renewal under Boilers Act, 1923.
- Registration of Boiler Manufacturers under Boilers Act 1923.
- Renewal of Boier Manufacturers under Boilers Act 1923.
- Registration under Building and Other Construction Workers Act, 1996.
- Registration under Motor Transport Workmen Act.
- Renewal under Motor Transport Workmen Act.
- Registration under Trade Union Act.
- Anual Return under Trade Union Act.
- Single Integrated Return under Various Labour Laws.
- Registration of Unemployment youth.
- Employer Registration.
Registration of Construction Workers under Building and Other Construction workers
(RE&CS) Act 1996.
Medical Assistance upto 1,00,000/- in case of hospitalization for 05 days or more
due to accident or any disease.
(i) Maternity benefit upto Rs 5000/- (up to two children)
(ii) Ex-gratia payment of Rs 75,000 in case of permanent disability.
(iii) Disability Assistace of Rs. upto. 25000/- depending on the Percentage (%) of the disability
(iv) In case of death cum funeral the nominees/dependent of the members is eligible for financial benefit of Rs. 20500/-.
(v) Lower Education Assistance (upto Rs. 25000/-).
(vi) Educational Assistance from Rs. 30,000/- and Rs. 50,000/- (Technical/Professional
Diploma/Degree Courses).
Registration Certificate to Principal Employer under Building Other Construction workers (RE&CS) Act 2006.
License to Contractor under Building and Other Construction workers (RE&CS) Act 2006.