

Serial No. Objectives
1 Enforcement of labour laws.
2 Implementation of JKESIS.
3 Awareness generation about Labour Laws Employment & Wefare Schemes.
4 Welfare of workers in organized and unorganized sector.
5 Facilitation employment opportunities.
6 Regulating working conditions of labours.


The Administrative Department is headed by a Commissioner/ Secretary to Government. The Administrative Secretary is assisted by a team of Officers comprising Additional Secretaries, Deputy Secretaries, Director Finance, Under Secretaries and Legal Officers. The main functions at Administrative level are:-

Labour Sector(https://jklabouremp.nic.in)

The 28 services in respect of following Acts are provided excusively through online mode:

  1. Registration under Shops and Establishment Act,1966.
  2. Renewal under Shops and Establishment Act, 1966.
  3. Registration under Contract Labour Act, 1970.
  4. Form D under Shops Á Establishment Act.
  5. Renewal under Contract Labour Act, 1970.
  6. Registration of Establishments Employing Contract Labour under Contract Labour Act.
  7. Registration under Interstate Migrant Workers Act, 1979.
  8. Renewal under Interstate Migrant Workers Act, 1979.
  9. Registration of Establishments Employing Migrant Worker under ISMW Act.
  10. Registration under Factories Act, 1948.
  11. Renewal under Factories Act, 1948.
  12. Approval of Plan under Factories Act.
  13. Registration under Boiler Act, 1923.
  14. Renewal under Boilers Act, 1923.
  15. Registration of Boiler Manufacturers under Boilers Act 1923.
  16. Renewal of Boier Manufacturers under Boilers Act 1923.
  17. Registration under Building and Other Construction Workers Act, 1996.
  18. Registration under Motor Transport Workmen Act.
  19. Renewal under Motor Transport Workmen Act.
  20. Registration under Trade Union Act.
  21. Anual Return under Trade Union Act.
  22. Single Integrated Return under Various Labour Laws.
  23. Registration of Unemployment youth.
  24. Employer Registration.
  25. Registration of Construction Workers under Building and Other Construction workers (RE&CS) Act 1996.
  26. Medical Assistance upto 1,00,000/- in case of hospitalization for 05 days or more due to accident or any disease.
  27. (i) Maternity benefit upto Rs 5000/- (up to two children)

    (ii) Ex-gratia payment of Rs 75,000 in case of permanent disability.

    (iii) Disability Assistace of Rs. upto. 25000/- depending on the Percentage (%) of the disability

    (iv) In case of death cum funeral the nominees/dependent of the members is eligible for financial benefit of Rs. 20500/-.

    (v) Lower Education Assistance (upto Rs. 25000/-).

    (vi) Educational Assistance from Rs. 30,000/- and Rs. 50,000/- (Technical/Professional Diploma/Degree Courses).

  28. Registration Certificate to Principal Employer under Building Other Construction workers (RE&CS) Act 2006.
  29. License to Contractor under Building and Other Construction workers (RE&CS) Act 2006.